Well when we moved up here we were told about the rain and I was ok with that. Then I was told it dosen't get that cold (22-29 has been the high for about the last week! Then I was told it didn't snow in Bellevue it was to close to the water, well it is 4:30 it has been snowing all day and there was about 3 inches when we got up this morning!! It has been really cool to see that much snow I just hope it stays till Christmas. I'm sure you all know Danny so of course when he saw all that snow the fist thing he wanted to do was drive the durmax in it so off we went. There were so many cars that had slid off the road, it was crazy so we went home!

Since we were stuck home anyway we thought why not take family pic. What better place than you guessed it in the snow! Here are a few random ones in no special order.
I got one with all the men in my life don't they look good!

Mom and her baby girl.

It was coming down pretty hard but they were loving it.

We almost lost the dog in the snow a few times but she moved and we found her.

This is Brett before his dad threw him in the snow in shorts and no shoes he didn't really like that at all.

What can I say about this one it pretty much speaks for its self.
He was good till he was getting pulled behind the truck on the sled and got curb checked!

Ashley is trying to make a snowman but it's not working the way she wants it to.
Just a little video of the kids on a tupperware lid ok so were just a little redneck!!!! It did work kind of.
Gotta Love The Snow....We Have 4 feet now...I'm DONE!! Very cute pics too!!
Love the family pic!!! You guys all look so good, and Ashley is already looking older just since you left! The puppy is so darn cute! Are you coming this way for Christmas?
We got the storm right after you guys, but our city was definitely prepared even though a lot of drivers around here seem to forget they live where it does, and will snow. Your pics are wonderful, and it looks like you guys really enjoyed yourselves. Seriously I think there's nothing better than snow at Christmas time, it's the the icing on the cake for this time of year. I hope it stays for Christmas Day for you guys!! Merry White Christmas!!
It's great to get to see the kids grow up and have fun. Mine got to see the snow for the first time this year, up in flag. Hope your holidays were great! Stay in touch.
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