

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our new puppy!!!!!

Well as you can all see I wanted puppy and well I always get what I want! We named her Princess and she is living up to her name. The best part is she sleeps in our room in her bed but she gets up in the night and Dan yes I said Dan gets up with her!!! Pay back for sleeping through all the kids when they got me up all night. The kids were so happy I don't even think they cared when we told them she is their christmas present!!!

She didn't really mind the sled quite as much as peekaboo!!!


Julie said...

Fun! I am so jealous of your cute puppy! I think it's an excellent Christmas present! :o)

AMY said...

Danny will get up with the dog but not your children? My kids want a dog so bad. I want your cat.

Happy Holidays! Will you be in AZ for the holidays?

Donelle said...

I love the puppy. Lucky girl. Yes, you do always get what you do you manage that. I love Ashley's hair. Super Cute!

Cami said...

Hey!! Love the dog, my kids are dying for a dog, a new baby wasn't good enough! The kids are getting so big, that little Ashley is a little Dawnee, totally! You guys heading to Thatcher for Christmas? We'll be there on the 17th. Hey, happy birthday by the way, you old lady!